How To Develop Relationship Skills In The Workplace

How To Develop Relationship Skills In The Workplace

The workplace is all about having successful and positive working relationships with colleagues, whatever position they hold within the organisation. Successful managers, and organisations too, recognise this and work hard to secure good working systems where people are comfortable with each other and where teams are strong and high-performing.

Be honest in your relationships. Never lie to people you are close to. The foundation of your relationship needs to be really strong if you are thinking of a successful and long term relationship with your colleagues.

Be a patient listener. It is very important to listen to the views of others around you and definitely never underestimate anyone. Imposing your ideas on to others is a sure-fire way of alienating those around you and will only lead to you becoming marginalised and ultimately ignored.

Always think about and be careful what you say. Once words come out of your mouth it is impossible to take them back and to have a second attempt and putting your view across.

Respect others. Differences may well emerge in the workplace and the relative positions of staff in the organisation can lead to some friction but this is no excuse for not respecting each other. The bigger prize is collaboration and making the organisation a success, not in winning points against others or putting colleagues down in any way.

Never misguide anyone. It always pays to be honest and straight forward in relationships. This means having a sense of real transparency about your motives and dealings.

Communicate well. Think about what you want to say, how you will say it and how your body language reflects this.

Learn to forgive others. There will be times when things do not go as planned and when we all get frustrated; such times re sent to try us but when things are resolved, some forgiveness goes a very long way to healing wounds and getting back to open, healthy and professional relationships that help deliver organisational goals.

Good Luck!


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