How Your Personal Impact Increases Your Chance Of Personal Success

How Your Personal Impact Increases Your Chance Of Personal Success We all want to be that person who stands out from the crowd, but in a good way, in a way that inspires others, in a way that gets things done by inspiring others, in a way that is recognised and admired by those around …

How To Be The Person You Want To Be

How To Be The Person You Want To Be We have a vision and driving perception that the person we are here, right now, is the person we will always be and, as such, we are the finished item, the best that we can be. The best in our managerial, professional and personal lives. It …

Resilience – You’ve Got This!

Resilience – You’ve Got This! Failures and crises are an inevitable part of our personal and professional life. They can be devastating, life-changing, and transformative. They can make or break a career, a family, ruin domestic and working relationships and working cultures, and potentially break a business, with detrimental effects for all concerned. Although mistakes …

What High Achievers Do

What High Achievers Do Have a clear task and purpose Focus on achieving results Have a clear view of their personal vision and values Can effectively and efficiently solve problems and make decisions Recognise conflict when it happens and effectively deal with it Have a reliable system for their own personal review and reflection and …

What Management Skills Are Needed In Different Management Jobs?

What Management Skills Are Needed In Different Management Jobs? Supervisors need a lot of technical skill and technical knowledge, a reasonable amount of people skills and relatively fewer conceptual or long-term planning skills. Middle Managers need a roughly even distribution of each skill. Senior managers need more conceptual and long-term planning skills, a good amount …