The Art Of Introducing Yourself

The Art Of Introducing Yourself

You know the scenario: you are at a Teams/Zoom Meeting, in the Boardroom for the first time, meeting a prospective client at an initial meeting or even at some social gathering: you are invited to introduce yourself.

This makes your brain whirl and you start to look for content that will impress and not spoil this important moment: so what do you say?

Thinking back to previous opportunities like this, your mind becomes very cloudy and you think back to previous scenarios where you left out key details, forgot names and generally fluffed the process.

The best way to deal with this opportunity is to have a structure and stick to it!

The following 3 Stage process should help:

  1. The here and now: Hello my name is ……….. and I am the General Manager here in the Manchester Office,

Name and Job Title are a safe place to start and gives you the chance to elaborate and expand things out if you need to. Good current and “live” information.

  • Past details: adding in some details about your experience, knowledge gained and background.

I have been in post for 5 years and prior to that, I was a Sales Rep working in the North West Region where I grew sales volume by 25%.

  • Projecting Forward: your big chance to show enthusiasm for what lies ahead. If this is a job interview, tell the interviewer how keen you are to develop the opportunity on offer or if it is a meeting express your interest in discussing the topic.

A nice and simple 3 Stage process that is easy to remember and which will help you make that vital first impression.

Good Luck!

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